Yay! Try our classes as a student for 40 days so we can get to know each other.
Our methods, approach and styles:
Standard flows. Inspired by Baptiste Power Yoga methodology, we developed standardized sequences for almost every weekly class.
We don’t practice while teaching a Power class, although we may demo a pose or two. This allows us to see and hear our students and respond appropriately to their needs.
No music during most classes. This cultivates awareness of body, breath and movement without distraction. We do love music and mood lighting! We encourage creating ambience before and after class, and for special events using original and royalty free tunes. We’d rather pay teachers than music licensing companies.
Why should you care?
Standard asana sequences:
· Lead to muscle memory.
· Instill confidence in students and teachers.
· Free a teacher’s mind to be fully present to students.
· Subtract a teacher’s ego without subtracting the magnetism of individual style.
· Assure students they know what to expect regardless of who’s teaching.
All Y’Alls Yoga Styles:
· Power Yoga – everything on our schedule with ‘power’ in it is the Baptiste Journey Into Power, or a variation of it.
· Yoga Nidra – Some call Nidra a type of meditation. It is, sort of, and much more. Nidra is also sequenced along eight specific stages to create a conscious resting awareness.
· Yin/Restorative Yoga is based on a standard set of 26 poses, an alphabet that allows easy improvisation, or we use a sequence from our library of standard flows.
· Other classes are standardized sequences combining these styles.
Every All Y’All teacher is expected to be able to teach all AY sequences. To regularly teach or sub classes in any AY style, a new teacher learns the sequence, subs a class and receives feedback from an AY trainer.
We also love experimentation. AY yogis create their own workshops, events and weekly classes once they’ve mastered the AY library of sequences.
Sound like your jam? Cool! Did we answer all your initial questions? Please email us at [email protected] and use “AY Teaching” in the subject line.
Thanks for your time, we appreciate you!